

“For me, movement has always been a sanctuary. I can be going through anything - the best, the worst - and movement will always recalibrate me. It’s a meeting of the mind and the body to refocus your perspective on what’s truly important.”

Fitness undeniably changes our mental state. You can totally turn your day around by taking even 20-30 minutes to move. The objective is to feel mentally clear and physically strong, with the surface level effect of looking good as the icing on the cake. What you train yourself to do in the gym is how you prepare yourself for everything else in life that gets thrown your way.

Fitness should be a celebration of our body and the incredible things it can do for us, while also being aware of the internal dialogue we may have with ourselves and thus refraining from self-limiting conversation. We can easily pollute ourselves with negative self talk, so learning to work against is a big part of training. It’s the training of the mind just as much as the body.

Yes I workout everyday, and no that does not mean a HIIT class everyday, it means some form of movement. In the end, it’s all about consistency. You don’t have to be extreme, just consistent. My philosophy is that working out should be a positive experience and you should leave a workout feeling better than when you went into it. Ask yourself these questions the next time you workout:

  1. Do I feel anxious?

  2. Do I feel defeated?

  3. Am I proud of what I just did?

  4. Was I present with my movement or was I zoning out?

Consider factors leading up to your workout that you can alter to ensure you are present for the workout both physically and mentally.

  1. Sleep - rest and recovery is a just as important as your workout. 7-8 hours minimum is key. I find I often need 1 or 2 days of 9-10 hours for my body to truly feel energized, especially if I did an intense workout the day before. Magnesium before bed time is a great way to help relax your muscles. Along with my magnesium citrate supplement, I often take a hot bath with epsom salts which is another great way for your body to absorb magnesium to help prevent inflammation and treat sore muscles. Another safe and natural sleep aid, if you find you have a hard time falling asleep, is Valerian Root. This herb has been used for thousands of years to promote tranquility and improve sleep when taken 30 minutes - 2 hours before bed time. Another great way to improve your sleep is to shut off all devices 20-30 minutes before bed time.

  2. Fuelling your body properly - this means before and after your workout. Depending on the day, when I workout and what type of workout I’ll be doing and how long I have been intermittent fasting for determines if I will be eating before I work out or not. I typically like to get my workout in before 8am on an empty stomach, unless I have to teach early or something comes up. About 5 days per week I like to intermittent fast to give my digestive system a break, as well as for the fat burning benefits of working out on an empty stomach. However, there are definitely some days that I feel I need a little something to give me energy for my workout. It’s important to not overdue it though and eat the proper foods to prevent a stomach ache or weigh yourself down before the workout starts.

    • Medjool date with nut butter. I like to have 1 or 2 max with any type of nut butter stuffed inside (about 1/2 tsp in each date) about 30-60 minutes before your workout. Dates are packed with vitamins and minerals and are great before a workout as they are a slow burning carb, meaning the keep replenishing your body’s glycogen, which is the main source of energy that is expended during strenuous activity. The addition of the little bit of fat from the nut butter but still low in protein ensures it will digest easily in the body and give you that quick energy source without causing an stomach cramps or nausea. PLUS they taste like candy and are so incredibly easy to make!

    • Coconut yogurt with banana, berries + seeds. I would have this at least an hour before my workout if I for instance had to teach a few classes first thing. About 3/4 cup unsweetened coconut yogurt, 1/3 teaspoon vanilla, a few berries, 1/2 banana, 1 teaspoon hemp seeds and 1 teaspoon of pumpkin seeds.

    • Greens smoothie. This would be the same case as the yogurt - at least an hour if not up to 2 hours before my workout. Literally just blend any greens I have in my fridge with a tiny bit of some kind of fruit (kiwi, 1/2 an apple, pear or banana). You can find the exact recipe and how to make this on my youtube video here:

    • Coffee. A small coffee can improve circulation and giving you the perfect energy boost for your workout. Now this may not be suitable for everyone as there are other contributing factors that may not be right for you to drink coffee but if you do - a small cup could give you the right amount of energy! The secret though is to avoid gastrointestinal distress but drinking it on an empty stomach. Having a small piece of toast with almond butter, or a small bowl of oats or even blending it up with half a banana, non dairy milk, small scoop of nut butter, cinnamon and ice is a great way to drink it!

  3. Meditation. Taking a few minutes in the morning or before your workout to calm your mind to become more present with your body and movement is a great trick to getting more from your workouts. If your work and/or personal life is stressful, busy or overwhelming, consider doing workouts with less intensity to avoid your cortisol levels going completely out of whack. Your body knows what it needs and will most definitely tell you!

Why I choose to do body weight + resistance workouts over weights:

  1. Mobility

  2. Balance + lots of core work

  3. Muscle endurance

  4. Longevity

  5. Less chance of getting injured

Of course it’s great to change up your workouts but my usual routine consists of Callanetics, TRX and HIIT.


Somethin’ Sweet